Member Benefits

Membership Connection Survey

The Illinois Safety Council is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that provides information, programs, services and educational materials for greater health and safety awareness. These activities help reduce the personal and economic loss associated with injuries, accidents and health hazards throughout the state.

For over 70 years, the Illinois Safety Council (ISC) has been a leader in providing comprehensive programs, seminars and training materials to improve safety awareness on the job and in communities across the state. Safety training saves lives and helps reduce the severity of injury or economic loss – one person at a time.

Safety Video Rental Library

The Illinois Safety Council operates one of the largest safety video and film libraries in the United States. Our rental library features:

• over 750 individual titles

• more than 30 health and safety categories–on and off-the-job safety topics

• many titles in Spanish

Training videos are constantly updated to include current safety and health issues.

We offer convenient order by fax/phone service and special rental rates for Council members. You can also use the "Safety Training Video Rental Libray" section of this web site to order your video by e-mail.

Safety Seminars

Full day and half-day training programs enable managers and safety personnel to identify safety issues, eliminate hazards, handle situations, understand regulatory changes, and improve employee training programs. Regularly scheduled safety seminars include:

• Accident Investigation in the Workplace

• Effective Safety Meetings

• Job Safety Analysis

• Regulatory Compliance

• Workers’ Compensation

Key programs for new safety managers or first-line supervisors are:

• OSHA 501–A Guide to Voluntary Compliance in Safety and Health – (10 hour) ISC and OSHA Certificate Course.

• Safety Fundamentals for Supervisors – (3 part series)

Other classes provide direct employee training, such as:

• Forklift Operations

• Safe Driving Courses (car/truck)

• Defensive Driving Course

Seminars are offered at regional locations throughout the year.

Safety Breakfast Series

This insightful monthly speaker series features experts on important safety and health concerns, legal matters and regulatory issues. Safety professionals and managers appreciate this networking opportunity.

Quarterly Safety Managers Forums

Quarterly meetings ensure that safety managers remain current on crucial safety topics by providing in-depth discussion sessions and increased peer interaction

Special Programs

On-site seminars can be arranged to address specific needs.

Special Awards

Each year since 1926, the Illinois Safety Council Annual Award programs have recognized member organizations for improvements in their safety and health performance and transportation safety records. Individual awards acknowledge employees whose proper use of personal protective equipment prevented or lessened a serious accident. These awards serve as a motivational tool in many members’ programs.


Council members are entitled to:

• a credit allowance earned on video rentals – up to 100% of membership fees. Special reduced rates apply towards additional rentals.

• savings on all seminars and forums

• participate in award programs

• attend the Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner

• periodic newsletter “Council Notes” addressing current and emerging safety and health issues

Membership is limited to Illinois organizations.

Additional Benefits

We cooperate with many other safety organizations to promote special or seasonal safety programs. As an ISC member, you can share in these programs and benefits. They include:

• Traffic Safety Committee, stressing seat belt use, speed limit observations and awareness of drunk driving laws to prevent highway tragedies.

• Illinois Operation Lifesaver Program, helping to reduce railroad crossing accidents through education, enforcement and engineering.

• Fire Prevention Week activities sponsored by the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance.


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